Learning to write is easy. Learning to write well is subjective and not so easy. The best you can hope for is to get your point across and maybe, just maybe, your reader gets something out of what you have written. However, we bloggers, sometimes forget about our audience and think only of getting content fast. If you're a blogger trying to meet deadlines and you need an article quick you may consider those cheap software programs, but first, follow these three ideas and see what happens. First, try to pick a topic you already know, always think of three main points to make about the topic, and finally, write your main topics first.
Pick a topic you already know
Learning to write quickly is important in the blogging industry, however, quality should also be your focus. In today's market of digital content people are using software programs to pull off 30/40 articles a day. Mass produced digital content will lack quality when not much human thought is put into it. How can a software program connect to your human customers?
Think of three main points to make
When writing content for your audience, or when you hire someone to write for you (like me), look for the three main points to be made. It is three points because that is standard essay style. Every simple essay should have; an introduction - what your going to say, three main topic sentences - each a paragraph, and finally a conclusion - what you just said. A standard essay will have at least five paragraphs and each main topic will be backed up.
Write your three main points statement first
The main topic should be clearly stated in the first sentence of each paragraph and every sentence in that paragraph is meant to back up the main topic sentence. The sentences after the main topic is the meat of the essay. The meat of your essay is an opportunity to solve your reader's problem and show them why your product is the best option for them.
In this essay, I discussed three main topics; writing what you know about, make sure you have three main topics and write those topics first. I also discussed, when you use mass produced digital content or buy mass produced digital content you miss the opportunity to show your audience why your product will solve their problem.
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