Monday, April 7, 2014

4 Great reasons to run with a partner

Serious marathon training takes a single-minded approach to running.  Marathon endurance will require many considerations; running a mile in 7 minutes, pace training, cross country endurance, muscle memory, food intake and running times.  All this training requires commitment, as your shape your body into becoming a carriage of your dreams.  The right partner could take your training to the next level.  A partner who is roughly equal to your level of fitness would enhance your training and ultimately bring out your competitive nature, ensure accountability, apply consistency to your training, and motivate you when you need it most. 

Competition pushes our training further

Running alone and beating your own time is helpful but running against a partner will stir in you a desire to win.  Although a marathon requires a black belt of endurance, the beginning and end of a long run needs more of a brawler to separate yourself from the others. 

Busying your mind, in the moment, to winning will benefit you by taking your mind off the conversation in your head.  If you’re an avid runner you may enjoy running alone to work off stress, however, marathon training may cause more chatter as your endurance improves.  Focusing on winning against your partner, especially if you’re feeling competitive, will quiet the chatter in your head.

Accountability for our fitness 

Goal setting is an important component to training and requires benchmarks to ensure you’re on track.  A partner will help you to stay the course and provide feedback conducive to improving your level of fitness. 

It isn’t as easy talk your partner out of a 5:00 am run as it is yourself.  When it is time to train you are not only accountable for your time but for your partner’s time as well.  Ideally when you’re feeling stagnant you can rely on your partner to crack the whip to keep the two of you moving. 

Consistency in our workouts

Running with someone else will help you to run consistently.  When you run with someone else you naturally run together keeping each other even rather than slowing down and speeding up.  Your partner and you will keep each other moving at a consistent pace.   

Your partner can provide an objective perspective about your training.  We are subjective and often blind of our own flaws or overly critical.  A partner will provide you with an objective look at yourself.  You will be able to identify more clearly where you need help and where your strengths lie. 

Motivating our partner and ourselves

Hearing, “you can do it”, will provide a great deal more motivation than, “20 more minutes?  I just can’t, maybe just 10, that’ll do it, think I will stop now”.  Hearing encouragement from your partner and saying it to your partner can provide that extra push you need.  Motivating your partner will motivate you.

Picking a partner who you can inspire will only motivate you to work harder.  The goal is push yourself to the next level to give you a fighting chance at finishing the race.  If you are like most then you are your own worst critic.  You and your partner can celebrate each other’s victories regardless of how small.

Training with a partner can be the difference between a mile in 7 minutes or a mile in 6 minutes.  Regardless of what happens in the marathon at least training with a partner means you are sure to have more fun.  Ultimately, isn’t that what life is all about?  

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